Madison Ashe

gpose | sfw/nsfw

I take photos of things I love- that includes you ♥

© Madelyn Ashe. All rights reserved.


Hiya! I'm Madison, Madi for short, your new personal photographer!A little about me:
- I'm addicted to gpose (srsly, it's a problem how many screenshots I have).
- I use they/them pronouns.
- My fave band at the moment is Stray Kids
- I fantasia OFTEN (it's an addiction).
Let's make memories together ♥


Photo Sessions:
SFW- 750K per pose*
NSFW- 1mil per pose*
Event Photography- 300K/hour (NOT posed)
600K/hour (posed)
Housing/Venue Photography- 600K
You will receive multiple photos per pose. Groups over 3, add 100K per additional person. Any post editing on photos will be an additional 100K per photo./tell or message me at madelynashe on Discord to book! ♥